IT Solutions
& Services

"Software projects are never straight-line events - they require ongoing collaboration between client and developer."
We all want software that just.. works.
IT is supposed to make it easier for you to get your job done, not become another job for you to do. We understand that.
We do our job really well so you can do your job really well too.
Agile Computing
Agile Computing Pty Ltd was formed in 2006 and combines the talents of .Net experts who deliver great application.
We specialise in Microsoft technologies and are a qualified Microsoft Certified Partner.
Agile Computing are qualified suppliers of ICT services to the WA Government via the CUA.

For organisations with software programs that have diminished availability of support and increasing cost of maintenance, Agile Computing can convert existing software to a Microsoft .Net solution, including exceptional integration with other Microsoft applications.
For most small to mid-sized developments, Agile Computing can deliver a proof-of-concept working model to demonstrate desired functionality, even prior to clients committing to the full project.
Customised software is developed based on our interaction with clients to understand their needs and parameters.
Our premium product, Instagile is a Commercial-Off-The-Shelf system with the flexibility of a custom build. With capacity to instantly transform legacy data and facilitate rapid .Net deployment.
Instagile is a unique approach to delivering a diverse range of business data systems.
Creating solutions that are:
We provide consulting services to assist organisations determine their current capacities and make sound recommendations for inclusion in their IT planning and strategies.
For the development of specialised large application projects, Agile Computing forms strategic partnerships to deliver synergistic solutions. We are keen to work with people who are excellent at what they do.
We continue to build on a solid project base of Facial Recognition software and high-security encryption services.

Ready to find out more?
Drop us a line or give us a call to ask how we can help make your business data work better for you.